Germany is a Country in north-central Europe. The land is generally flat in the north and hilly in the northeast and central region, rising to the Bavarian Alps in the south. The Rhine River basin dominates the central and western part of the country other important rivers include the Elbe, Danube, and Oder.
Area: | 138,066 sq mi / 357,592 sq km |
Population (2023 est ): | 2023 est :- 85,887,000 |
Capital: | Berlin |
Currency: | Euro |
Languages: | German |
Airports: | Frankfurt Airport, Munich International Airport, Hamburg Airport, Düsseldorf International Airport, Cologne Bonn Airport, Berlin Brandenburg Airport |
Main Cities: | Frankfurt, Offenbach, Lohr, Würzburg, Gemünden, Flörsheim |
Best Time to visit: | June, or between September and November |
International calling code: | +49 |
sources: | Read more.... |
Rainy climate zone of the mid-latitudes.
Königsberger klopse, Maultaschen, Labskaus, Sausages, Currywurst, Döner kebab, Schnitzel