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Switzerland is divided into three regions the meadow-covered Jura Mountains; the central Mittelland, a rich agricultural and urbanized area and the lofty crags of the Alps. It is one of the world’s major financial centers its economy is based largely on international trade and banking, as well as light and heavy industries. Manufacturers include watches, precision instruments, machinery, and chemicals.

Country Information

Area: 15,943 sq mi / 41,291 sq km
Population (2023 est ): 2023 est :- 8,864,000
Capital: Bern
Currency: Swiss franc
Languages: German, French, Italian, Romansh
Airports: Zurich Airport, Geneva Airport, Bern Airport, Lugano Airport, St. Gallen–Altenrhein Airport, Sion Airport, EuroAirport Basel-Mulhouse-Freiburg
Main Cities: Geneva, Zurich, Winterthur, Bern, Lugano, Zug, Basel, Lausanne
Best Time to visit: June to August
International calling code: +41
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Moderate with no excessive heat, cold or humidity

Famous Foods and Products

Fondue, Papet Vaudois, Rosti, Raclette, Polenta and braised beef, Tartiflette

Other Information

Travel Products from Switzerland