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Tunisia is the country of North Africa. Tunisia’s accessible Mediterranean Sea coastline and strategic location have attracted conquerors and visitors through the ages, and its ready access to the Sahara has brought its people into contact with inhabitants of the African interior.

Country Information

Area: 163610 sq km
Population (2023 est ): (2023 est.) 12,160,000
Capital: Tunis
Currency: dinar (TND)
Languages: Arabic
Airports: Tunis-Carthage Airport, Djerba Airport, Enfidha-Hammamet Airport, Monastir Airport.
Main Cities: Tunis, Sousse, Kairouan, Sfax, Bizerte, Hammamet
Best Time to visit: April - May, Oct - Nov
International calling code: +216
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Tunisia is situated in the warm temperate zone between latitudes 37° and 30° N.

Famous Foods and Products

Pasta, Couscous, Chorba, Lablabi, Keftas, Traditional Tunisian Dessert.

Travel Products from Tunisia