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Maldives is a Archipelago country in north-central Indian Ocean southwest of Sri Lanka. It is a chain of about 1,200 small coral islands and sandbanks , grouped in clusters, or atolls.

Country Information

Area: 115 sq mi / 298 sq km
Population (2023 est ): 2022 est :- 606,800
Capital: Malé
Currency: Rufiyaa
Languages: Dhivehi , Arabic
Airports: Velana International Airport, Hanimaadhoo International Airport, Gan International Airport, Dharavandhoo Airport, Kadhdhoo International Airport, Villa International airport maamigili, Maafaru International Airport
Main Cities: Malé, Addu, Fuvahmulah, Kulhudhuffushi
Best Time to visit: November to April
International calling code: +960
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Warm and Humid tropical monsoon climate

Famous Foods and Products

Garudhiya, Mas Huni, Masroshi, Bis Keemiya, Boshi Mashuni, Fried Yams, Saagu Bondibai

B2B deals and offers from Maldives