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Bhutan is a Country in south-central Asia. The northern part of the country lies in the Great Himalayas, with peaks surpassing 24,000 ft and high valleys lying at 12,000–18,000 ft. Spurs radiate southward, forming the Lesser Himalayan ranges. Several fertile valleys there, at elevations of 5,000–9,000 ft, are fairly well populated and cultivated. South of these mountains lies the Duars Plain, controlling access to the strategic mountain passes much of it is hot and steamy and covered with dense forest.

Country Information

Area: 14,824 sq mi / 38,394 sq km
Population (2023 est ): 2022 est :- 763,400
Capital: Thimphu
Currency: Ngultrum
Languages: Dzongkha, Sino-Tibetan languages, Nepali.
Airports: Paro International Airport, Bathpalathang Airport, Gelephu Domestic Airport
Main Cities: Thimphu, Phuntsholing, Paro, Gelephu, Samdrup Jongkhar,
Best Time to visit: December to April
International calling code: +975
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The Duars Plain tends to be hot and humid; the Lesser Himalaya region is often cooler; while the areas in the Greater Himalayas are closest to that of alpine tundra.

Famous Foods and Products

Ema Datshi, Shakam Paa, Jasha Maru, Phaksha Paa, Zow Shungo, Shakam Datshi

Travel Products from Bhutan