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Egypt occupies a crossroads between Africa, Europe, and Asia. The majority of its land is in the arid western and eastern deserts, separated by the country’s dominant feature, the Nile River. The Nile forms a flat-bottomed valley, generally 5–10 mi wide, that fans out into the densely populated delta lowlands north of Cairo. 

Country Information

Area: 384,791 sq mi / 996,603 sq km
Population (2023 est ): 2022 est :- 104,239,000
Capital: Cairo
Currency: Egyptian pound
Languages: Egyptian pound
Airports: Cairo International Airport, Sharm El Sheikh International Airport, Sphinx International Airport, Borg El Arab International Airport, Luxor International Airport
Main Cities: Cairo, Aswan, Luxor, Alexandria, Sharm El Sheikh, Hurghada
Best Time to visit: October to April
International calling code: +20
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Egypt's climate is dry, hot, and dominated by desert

Famous Foods and Products

hummus, falafel, shawarma, kebab and kofta, ful medames, mashed fava beans, kushari, lentils and pasta, and molokhiya, bush okra stew.

Travel Products from Egypt